When you have reached 8 months pregnant you are in your third trimester and this month will be weeks 31-35 of your pregnancy.
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Mom-To-Be at 8 Months Pregnant
When you have reached your 8th month of pregnancy your body will have undergone some major changes in order to accommodate and nourish your growing baby.
While you may be used to most of the side effects of pregnancy there may be some new ones that occur including the ones listed below:
Brittle Nails
Sometimes referred to as “pregnant nails” you may see some noticeable changes to your nails that can include them becoming brittle.
Brittle nails can occur during pregnancy because the nails are growing so fast and are so long that they are thinner and weaker than normal.
You can help keep your nails stronger by applying lotion to nails and cuticles, taking gelatin capsules, take your prenatal vitamins, and eat a healthy diet that contain foods high in biotin including avocados, bananas, milk, nuts and eggs.
Biotin is a B-complex vitamin that is safe to take during pregnancy and experts agree Biotin help improve nail strength.
Darker Nipples
While there is no particular reason your nipples will become darker during your last trimester it is nothing to worry about and is completely natural. Luckily once you have given birth you will notice that the darkness will fade and your nipples will return to the way they were before you became pregnant.
Breast Leakage
One often startling but necessary side effect of pregnancy is breast leakage. While this can happen anytime during your pregnancy it is most common during the third trimester as your body is preparing itself for the birth of your baby.
The leakage is associated with breast-feeding and the fluid that leaks out is colostrum which is “pre-milk”. In order to better control leakage you may need to put nursing pads inside your bra to soak up the colostrum and keep it from seeping through your clothing.
Vaginal Discharge
It is normal to have vaginal discharge as it is the body’s way of keeping the vagina clean. Vaginal discharge during your third trimester of pregnancy is nothing to worry about unless it is a large amount.
If you are near your due date you may have a discharge that is thick and contains some blood this may be your mucus plug and it is you bodies way of getting ready for labor.
You may notice that you feel hotter than normal during the last months of your pregnancy and this is perfectly normal. Your body is going through so many changes and hormones are fluctuating that it is common to feel hotter than you did before you became pregnant.
To keep from becoming too hot it is important to make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids, wear light loose fitting clothing, stay away from saunas, do not over exercise, and try to stay inside when the weather is extremely hot.
By the time you reach the 8th month of your pregnancy you may find that you are becoming more forgetful. This is nothing to worry about and many pregnant women report the same forgetfulness.
This may be attributed to the high levels of hormones that are having a negative impact on your brain and causing issues with memory.
Luckily this is only temporary and nothing to be worry about as once you give birth and your hormone levels drop down to lower levels you should not experience the forgetfulness you did while you were pregnant.
You may notice that you are more fatigued or tired than you normally are and this is completely normal. By this stage in your pregnancy you are carry more weight than usual and you may not be sleeping as well both are causes of fatigue.
It is important to take the time to rest when you are feeling really tired as well as eat a healthy diet and do moderate exercise which will help to boost your energy levels.
You may notice that you are constipated more often during your pregnancy than you were before you became pregnant and once again this is perfectly normal.
With high levels of iron in your prenatal vitamins and high levels of the hormone progesterone slowing your digestive tract you may become constipated.
In order to help relieve constipation it is important to make sure you are drinking plenty of water, eating high-fiber foods, and do light exercise to help stimulate you body.
Hemorrhoids happen when the veins in the rectum and anus become swollen causing pain, itching, and bleeding.
Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are common especially in the third trimester due to constipation, increase in the hormone progesterone, and the pressure that is being put on the veins due to the growing uterus.
Luckily hemorrhoids may be annoying but they are not life threatening and usually go away after child birth.
To help relieve hemorrhoids it is important to make sure you are drinking plenty of water, do not strain during bowel movements, eat high fiber foods, avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time, and your doctor may prescribe a stool softener to help reduce hemorrhoids.
Pelvic Pain
Pelvic pain is common during pregnancy especially late in the pregnancy due to the stretching of ligaments, growing uterus moving other organs around, changing hormone levels, Braxton Hicks contractions, and the extra weight you are carrying during your pregnancy.
If your pelvic pain becomes too painful it may be sign of something else going on and it is important to discuss with your doctor.
Developing Baby at 8 Months of Pregnancy
Image by: motherhow.com
At this point in your pregnancy your baby has been growing rapidly and going through development that is essential to surviving life outside the womb.
On average a baby at 8 months pregnant is between 4-6 pounds and from 16-18 inches in length. There will be a lot of brain growth during this month and all your babies organs are developed except for the lungs and you should feel their movements and kicks and punches are stronger now.
You will feel your baby lower as they should have “dropped” more into your pelvic area where they are getting ready to be born.
With all the side effects that come with being pregnant it is a wonder that women become pregnant at all! Luckily at the end of your pregnancy you get a beautiful baby and everything you went through during pregnancy seems small compared to the life you have created.
Luckily pregnancy is only 9 months of your life and while many of the above side effects may be painful or annoying the good part is that they are temporary and worth it in the end.
Exercise for During 8th Month Pregnancy
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