What to Expect at 3 Months Pregnant

Are you 3 months pregnant? Pregnancy can be one of the most joyful and scary times all rolled up into one. It is important to understand what changes are occurring not only with your growing baby, but with changes that will occur with mom-to-be as well.

Below is a list of things to expect and look for from 0 months pregnant to 3 months pregnant.

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Pregnancy Timeline

To ensure that you and your developing baby are on track and what changes should be expected, it is important to keep track of your due date and how far along you are in your pregnancy.

While your due date is just an estimate it is helpful to understand how many weeks pregnant you are so you can understand what is occurring not only with your developing baby but with your own body as well.

You will often be asked how many weeks you are and you can find helpful pregnancy calendars online that will show where your developing baby is at according to how many weeks pregnant you are.

Pregnancy is also broken down into trimesters that include weeks 1-12 (1st Trimester), weeks 13-26 (2nd Trimester), and weeks 27-40 (3rd Trimester). When you have reached 12-weeks or 3 months pregnant you are considered at the end of your first trimester.

3 Months Pregnant Symptoms

Pregnant women can expect to see some significant changes to their body so it is important to know and understand what is going on in order to alleviate some of the anxiety that can occur during pregnancy, especially for first time moms.

By the time you have reached 3 months pregnant you will notice some significant changes not only with your body but with your emotions as well. Below are some physical changes you will notice:

Missed Period

Often the first sign that you may be pregnant, a missed period occurs during pregnancy because the lining of the uterus that is shed during menstruation now has the job of supporting your growing baby that is attached to it.

Sore Breasts

During pregnancy your body is experiencing significant hormonal changes in preparation for the development and birth of your baby. You may experience sore breasts due to these hormonal changes, but the pain and sensitivity should dissipate as your body adjusts to the hormonal changes.


During the first trimester of pregnancy many women experience fatigue and tiredness, this is due to the amount of hormonal and physical changes that are occurring within your body and it is important to make sure to get enough rest.

It is not only important to get enough rest, but by eating a healthy balanced diet and light exercise you can help to increase energy levels.


During pregnancy many women experience digestive issues including nausea and vomiting which is commonly known as morning sickness although it can occur at anytime of the day. It is important to make sure to drink plenty fluids and eat small portions of food throughout the day and avoid foods that trigger indigestion.

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Increased Urination

Due to increased fluid intake, increased amount of blood, as well as your developing baby pressing against your bladder, you may experience the need to urinate more frequently during pregnancy.

Food Preferences and Aversions

Thanks to those hormonal fluctuations you experience during pregnancy you may find that foods you would normally eat are now less appetizing. It is common for pregnant women, being 3 months pregnant, to develop aversions to certain smells and foods that will usually go away after your baby is born.


With the high level of the hormone progesterone that a pregnant woman produces along with prenatal vitamins that is high in iron many women experience constipation during pregnancy. In order to help alleviate constipation you should drink plenty of fluids and eat high fiber foods.

Fluctuating Emotions

It is important to understand that during pregnancy you will experience emotions that you may not be used to as well as fluctuating emotions, there is no need to worry this is common among pregnant women.

Pregnancy is a joyful time, but it can also cause stress and anxiety over all the changes that will occur to your life once your baby is born. If these emotions become overwhelming consult your doctor for help and support.

Developing Baby Week by Week (First Trimester)

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Image by kids.britannica.com

Not only is mom-to-be experiencing significant changes physically, your developing baby is going through amazing amount so growth during the first trimester of pregnancy.

During weeks 1-12 your developing baby will go through some of the most significant and critical stages of development and by the time you reach week 12 of your pregnancy the chance of miscarriage drops significantly. Below are some changes your developing baby will go through by week 12:

Week 1: Your first week of pregnancy you are not actually pregnant yet; you are on your period and your body releasing the old uterine lining and is forming a new uterine lining.

Week 2: Still not pregnant, this is when ovulation occurs and if you are trying to conceive this is when you are most fertile and if sperm and egg meet then you are on your way.

Week 3: Congratulations you are now pregnant, your developing baby is a tiny ball of cells called a blastocyst and is making its way from the fallopian tube to the uterus.

Week 4: Your baby is now an embryo and is safely attached to your uterus and the placenta is beginning to develop.

Week 5: This may be the point in your pregnancy where you are actually aware you are pregnant because you missed your period, but you are actually 5 weeks pregnant and your babies heart is forming and will start pumping blood.

Week 6: Your baby is now the size of a pea with a heart that is beating 110 beats per minute.

Week 7: Your baby has doubled in size in just one week and is now about 1 centimeter in size.

Week 8: Your baby is now about 1.6 centimeters in size and weighs about 15 grams.

Week 9: Your baby is now the size of a cherry with a heart beating at 170 beats per minute.

Week 10: Your baby is now a fetus that is about 3.2 centimeters in size and organs and structures are beginning to grow.

Week 11: Your baby is now about the size of a lime with the ability to open and close its mouth as well as open and close its hands into fists.

Week 12: At 3 months pregnancy,  your baby has grown to be about 6.5 centimeters and weighs about 75 grams with all organs formed and the ability to make random movements.

3 Months Pregnancy Video


Congratulations on completing your first trimester of pregnancy, there have been a lot of changes physically for mom and baby and it have only been 3 months. It is important to keep up with your doctor visits and eat properly to ensure that you and your developing baby are getting the nutrition you need to keep developing properly.

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