When you have reached 7 months pregnant you are in your third trimester and this month will be weeks 27-30 of your pregnancy. Below are some changes you can expect to happen to both you and your developing baby.
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At this point in your pregnancy you may have become accustomed to your growing belly and be more relaxed about you and your baby’s health.
It is a good time to make sure you have your maternity leave taken care of if you work outside the home as well as getting the nursery ready.
You can expect to have gained around 20 pounds at this point and may or may not experience side effects of pregnancy including:
Digestive Issues
With your baby becoming bigger and bigger as you are later in your pregnancy there is less and less room in your belly and this can cause digestive issues.
Heartburn is common because you are eating more food than unusual and it has less space so to help relieve acid reflux eat several smaller meals and avoid spicy or acidic foods and cut back on carbonated beverages.
Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep and it is very common during pregnancy especially in the third trimester.
Here are some reasons you may experience insomnia during your pregnancy:
- your belly is growing bigger to accommodate your growing baby making it difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep
- you are drinking more fluids and may need to get up during the night to urinate
- you may experience sudden leg cramping that can wake you up
- you may find yourself a bid overwhelmed and have bad dreams regarding your pregnancy and baby
In order to help with insomnia it is important to relax and understand that these body changes are temporary and most pregnant women experience them, try sleeping on your side with a pillow supporting your belly, drink plenty of water and stretch your leg muscles before bed to help with cramping.
If you are still experiencing uncontrollable insomnia speak with your doctor to see if there is anything they can do.
Due to increased blood volume and body fluids that are needed to ensure your baby is getting what they need to develop it is common to experience swelling of the hands, feet, ankles, legs and face.
This swelling actually accounts for almost 25% of the weight gained during pregnancy. To help alleviate this swelling it is important to sit with your feet elevated, wear comfortable shoes that provide ankle support, and reduce salt intake.
Try not to stand for long periods of time, and make sure you are drinking plenty of water as it actually will help to flush the body and limit the amount of water retention.
Tips to ankle swelling during pregnancy
More useful tips on swelling during pregnancy
Another inconvenient side effect of pregnancy is excess sweating. You may find that during pregnancy you are sweating more than you usually do but this is nothing to worry about.
Because your body is producing an increased amount of hormones, there is an increased amount of blood flow, and your metabolism is trying to keep up with all your body changes you will find you may be warmer than normal and sweating is a natural way for the body to cool itself off.
To help with excess sweating try to keep you cool with air conditioning or a fan, wear light clothing in layers, and drink plenty of water.
Shortness of Breath
One unsettling symptom that can occur during pregnancy is shortness of breath, this occurs during the third trimester because with there becoming less space your lungs and diaphragm do not have as much room to expand.
If you are experiencing shortness of breath it is important to stop and relax and allow your lungs to get the air they need, there is nothing to worry about and once your baby is born this should go away.
Practice Prenatal Yoga Breathing Technique
Frequent Urination
You will notice that you will be making more trips to the bathroom than you used to. With the uterus putting pressure on your bladder and increased fluid intake it is very common for pregnant women to have to urinate more.
You may even experience incontinence in which you have the sudden and urgent need to urinate, while this is common among expectant mothers you will want to discuss how to handle this with your doctor.
Baby Development at 7 Months Pregnancy
Image by: MotherHow.com
When you have reached 7 months of your pregnancy your baby has undergone many exciting changes and developments.
At this point in your pregnancy your baby has the ability to move around, their hearing is fully developed and they listen to your voice and other sounds outside the womb, and have the ability to react to other stimuli as well including pain and light.
Your baby is now building up its fat reserves and may way up to 4 pounds and it there are any complications and they need to be born early they can now survive outside the womb. This is a great relief for expectant mothers and should help to alleviate some of the stress and anxiety that comes with being pregnant.
By the time you have reached 7 months in your pregnancy you should be accustomed to the changes in your body and accommodating your growing baby. Most moms are excited to expect a newborn into their lives.
It is a great time to get ready for your baby’s birth and make sure you have the needed supplies for their arrival as well as packing a hospital bag so you will have essentials on hand as soon as you go into labor. It is also a great time in your pregnancy to have a baby shower and celebrate with your loved ones the upcoming birth.
You may also want to take one last relaxing trip away from home and enjoy your final stages of pregnancy before you will need to plan vacations for 3 instead of 2.
Keep up with your doctor’s visits and make sure you are eating healthy and staying hydrated.