Once you are 6 months pregnant you are through your third trimester of pregnancy and the finish line is not far away. There has been dramatic developmental milestones for your baby and you have experienced many physical changes as well. Below is a list of things to watch for when you go from 3 months pregnant to 6 months pregnant.
What to Experience While Being 6 Months Pregnant
By the time you have reached 6 months pregnant both you and your developing baby have experienced many changes.
You will have experienced weight gain as not only is your baby getting bigger but the placenta and amniotic fluid is adding weight as well.
The normal weight gain for this stage of pregnancy is approximately 14-16 pounds but can vary depending on each individual so make sure you are eating healthy and seeing your doctor to make sure you are gaining the right amount of weight that is healthy not only for you but for your developing baby as well.
Due to the extra weight gain you may notice some changes to your body that may include:
Due to the increased weight gain as well as the increased size of your uterus you may experience back pain as your body is not used to carrying the extra weight and the increased size of the uterus may be pressing against your spine.
Stretch Marks
An unfortunate and unwanted side effect of pregnancy is stretch marks, as your skin stretches to accommodate your growing belly you may develop narrow streaks on your skin. While stretch marks may be unsightly luckily they will most likely go away after your pregnancy and pose no long term health effects.
Here are some tips on getting rid of stretch marks from WebMD.
During pregnancy you will have an increase of blood volume and water retention which can result in the swelling of ankles, feet, face and hands. This is nothing to worry about and make sure you take the time to sit and relax with your feet up to help your body deal with the excess fluids.
Leg Cramps
Due to weight gain, decrease in circulation, and electrolyte imbalances you may experience leg cramps. These cramps can be painful enough to wake you up from sleep and you may need to stretch and rub the muscles to alleviate the pain.
Quick tips on how to prevent leg cramps during pregnancy:
Linea Nigra
During this point in your pregnancy you may notice a line that goes up the center of your belly (Linea Nigra), there is no need to worry everyone has one it is just too light to see. During pregnancy increased melanin causes this line to become darker and more noticeable but will begin to fade and become less noticeable after childbirth.
Varicose Veins
It is common during pregnancy to develop varicose veins due to the increase in blood volume and the stress this puts on the veins in the legs as they try to keep up with the increased blood flow from the feet and legs back to the heart.
Varicose veins may become uncomfortable so it is important to elevate your sit and elevate your feet to help reduce the stress on your veins.
Itchy Skin
Due to the stretching of your skin and increased blood flow to the skin many pregnant women experience itching. While this may be irritating it is nothing to worry about and you can apply creams or lotions to help reduce the symptoms.
Increased Appetite
Now that you are eating for two and your baby is requiring more nutrients from you to sustain the growth and development that is rapidly occurring, most pregnant women will notice an increased appetite.
It is important to make sure you are consuming enough nutrients that both you and your developing baby need to be healthy, eat small frequent meals and keep healthy snacks on hand when you feel hungry.
It is also important to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated as well.
Not only will you experience physical changes you may also experience emotional ones as well. Pregnancy can come with an overwhelming feeling of responsibility and it is just as important to take care of your mental health in addition to your physical health.
Pregnancy comes with fluctuations of hormones including estrogen and progesterone which can have an impact on pregnant women’s emotions to shift unexpectedly and it is important to make sure you are getting the emotional support you need and not be ashamed or stressed over these emotional fluctuations.
Developing Baby Week by Week (Second Trimester)
Image by pregnancyhealth.net
Your baby has gone through significant changes and development by the time you have reached 6 months pregnant.
During your second trimester of pregnancy your baby will go from 3.1 inches long and weighing 3.3 ounces to 12.5 inches long and weighing 2 pounds. Below are some changes your baby will go through by the time you are 6 months pregnant:
Week 13: Your baby is now the size of a lemon and even has his/her own unique set of finger prints.
Week 14: Your baby is now about 7.9 centimeters long (3.1 inches) and weighs about 93 grams (3.2 ounces) with the ability to move their fingers and toes and even suck their thumb.
Week 15: Your baby is now the size of a navel orange and is moving around as well as developing taste buds and has the ability to sense light.
Week 16: Your baby is now about 18.3 centimeters long (7.2 inches) and weighs about 146 grams (5.1 ounces) and with its hearing beginning to develop your baby now has the ability to listen to you and its surroundings.
Week 17: Your baby is now about 20.1 centimeters long (7.9 inches) and weighs about 181 grams (6.4 ounces) and its skeletal structure is turning from cartilage to bone and the umbilical cord is growing larger and stronger.
Week 18: Your baby is now the size of an artichoke with the ability to respond to sound as well as rolling, kicking, yawning, sucking, and twisting.
Week 19: Your baby is now about 23.7 centimeters long (9.3 inches) and weighs 273 grams (9.6 ounces) and its brain continuing to grow and working on the development of all five senses.
Week 20: Your baby is now about 25.5 centimeters long (10 inches) and weighs 331 grams (11.7 ounces) with an ultrasound you can now find out the sex of your baby.
Week 21: Your baby is now about 27.2 centimeters long (10.7 inches) and weighs 399 grams (14.1 ounces) with the ability to hiccup as well as a developing reproductive system.
Week 22: Your baby is now the size of a coconut with the appearance of a tiny newborn.
Week 23: Your baby is now about 30.4 centimeters long (12 inches) and weighs about 258 grams (9.1 ounces) with the ability to hear your heartbeat and voice as well as other noises like dogs barking. Your baby also has the ability to fell motion.
Week 24: Your baby is now the size of a cantaloupe with capillaries forming and giving your babies skin a pink glow.
Congratulations you have made it through your second trimester of pregnancy and there have been significant changes and growth that has occurred with your baby and within your own body.
Your baby bump is most likely visible by this time so enjoy all the congratulations you will receive as well as taking a calming breath as by the time you have reached the end of your second trimester your baby has the ability to survive outside the womb.
This is a great time to get started on the nursery, have a baby shower, or even take one last vacation before the baby arrives.
It is important to keep up with your prenatal doctor appointments as well as getting enough rest and eating healthy for both you and your baby.